Female Vitality is a telehealth company dedicated to correcting hormone imbalances and medication-assisted weight loss.

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If You Have a Pulse, You Have a Parasite.

A functional medicine friend of mine introduced me to Cellcore.  This is a supplement company, but their flagship product is aimed at removing parasites.  Now, I have done the stool test from Genova and had no parasites.  But my friend revealed to me that she had the same results and still saw parasites in her stool.  Apparently, parasites are very difficult to detect.

I’m sorry.  This is a little gross.  But you can get parasites from pets, water, gardening, etc.  Cellcore’s saying is “If you have a pulse, you have a parasite.” 

Now, what does this have to do with weight loss and hormones?  Well, parasites can alter nutrient absorption.  Parasites can affect glucose and insulin levels causing sugar cravings.  Parasites also cause inflammation which can trigger an autoimmune response, affecting thyroid function and other organ systems.

I trialed the Foundational Protocol.  This is a 4 month protocol that starts by supporting the mitochondria for energy and facilitating drainage in the liver and kidneys.  Facilitating drainage helps our body remove toxins that we are exposed to every day. 

As I’ve said in previous blogs, the toxins that we are exposed to alter our hormone production, transport, support, and detoxification.  Most toxins cause an estrogen dominance which leads to irritability, weight gain, wide hips and poor sleep.

The 3rd phase of the Foundational Protocol is where the parasite removal starts.  And yes, I did see a parasite….  It was a very strange experience, but I’m glad it’s gone!

Now, the Foundational Protocol is awesome!  But it is also a little over $1000. 

I would suggest if anyone is interested in removing parasites from their body that you at least use the Para kit.  This kit is only $250.

I would also suggest that you take the Para kit during a full moon.  I know that sounds a little woo woo. 

The full moon creates a significant increase in our serotonin production.  Any parasites that are present will also use this elevated serotonin.  This will cause the parasites to become more active.  It will be easier to target and excrete them.

If you are interested in either the Foundational Protocol or the Para kit, you will need my code to order.  My code is Jw3OdN9q.

Cellcore has other products that look very promising, but I have not trialed them yet. 

I could see the GCO benefiting my weight loss patients.  It uses different herbs including berberine to support healthy blood sugar levels.  $60/bottle.

The Bowel mover would also help my clients who suffer from constipation.  Remember, you should have one large, soft BM every day for healthy hormone balance! $50/bottle.

Let me know if you have any questions!  If I don’t know the answer, I will reach out to Cellcore directly.