Female Vitality is a telehealth company dedicated to correcting hormone imbalances and medication-assisted weight loss.

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Schedule Sex Like You Schedule Your Workouts

Many women come to me with low libido. 

I heard a very interesting pod cast from a sex health expert as to why this might be occurring.  He hypothesized that this is due to evolution.  As human beings, our main goal is to reproduce.  Once our partner is incapable of reproducing (low testosterone with age) or we are unable to reproduce (menopause), our body no longer provides that drive to have sex.  I’m not sure how this would apply to homosexual couples, but it is only a theory.

But sex has so many benefits!  It provides higher self-esteem and connection with our partner. 

Studies have shown a reduction in heart disease in people who have regular sex.

People who have sex one to two times per week have more IgA which is an antibody that will fight off illness and strengthen your immune system. 

An orgasm causes the body to release oxytocin which can promote happiness, improve your response to stress and reduce pain.

So, what can you do to improve your sex life? 

Schedule sex like you schedule your workouts.  I know this is not sexy or spontaneous.  But sex is a physical, emotional, and mental NEED.  We can’t just wait for that spark to fly or that perfect moment.

I know that my body needs exercise, so I schedule it.  Schedule sex with your partner one or two times per week.

When scheduling sex, it is helpful to know a little bit about testosterone patterns.  Testosterone peaks in the morning and declines throughout the day.

If possible, schedule sex in the morning or afternoon.  If you wait till evening, testosterone is at its lowest.  Most people are also exhausted by the evening.  The last thing they want is something else on their to-do list.

Having scheduled sex means even if you are mad at your partner you stick with your routine.  You will see positive changes in your health and in your relationship.

If you still need a little help, ask me about the “little blue pill.”  It’s not just for men!