Female Vitality is a telehealth company dedicated to correcting hormone imbalances and medication-assisted weight loss.

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There is nothing wrong with taking weight loss medication

I have a friend who has been so resistant to using medication to assist in weight loss.  She felt like she was taking the “easy out.”  I respect her so much for wanting to lose weight the “right way”, but there is nothing wrong with also getting assistance from medication.

Obesity is a genetic condition.  A Danish study observed adopted adults and their weight.  Denmark is one of the few (or maybe the only) countries that keeps record of biological parents for adopted children.  In this study, they found that biology played a bigger role in determining weight vs. the environment.  Adopted children whose biological parents were obese would most likely become obese, even when raised by thin parents.

 An adoption study of human obesity - PubMed (nih.gov)

Obesity is a chronic disease like hypertension.  If you had an elevated blood pressure, your primary care provider would most likely start you on anti-hypertensives.  The other branch of treatment is to reduce lifestyle risk factors while taking the medication.  The goal is to eventually not require the medication.  That is a similar process that I use for the GLP-1 medications and weight loss.

While taking semaglutide or tirzepatide, I encourage my clients to create healthy habits.  The medication turns off the food noise making whatever plan you choose more obtainable. 

I do offer my clients a weight loss plan which I will include in this post.  I ask them to increase their protein, reduce their carbs and increase water intake.  I also love to include intermittent fasting.  Intermittent fasting is not only a very sustainable weight loss plan, but it also has so many other health benefits. 

In the weight loss plan, we first focus on nutrition since that is 90% of weight loss.  Eventually, we will add in exercise.  Strength training or building muscle should always be part of any weight loss plan.  With rapid weight loss and calorie deficits you can lose muscle mass.  When exercise becomes part of the client’s routine, we will also add in carb cycling. 

Essentially, sustainable weight loss is about creating “rules” for yourself that you will keep for the rest of your life.  You must also ALWAYS watch the scale.  Pick a day of the week to monitor your weight; don’t wait for a day when you don’t feel bloated and you had a great BM. 😊

Semaglutide and tirzepatide can both be safely taken long-term.  But if your goal is to eventually stop, that is completely achievable without rebounding weight gain.  My clients will take the medication for 6 months to 1 year and really dial in these “rules”, then we will wean off the medication slowly.  No one has regained weight. 


Female Vitality Weight Loss Plan:

o   Protein= 1 gm/kg/day of ideal body weight (you can Google this based on height)

  • If you exercise routinely add 5-10 gm protein/day.

  • The palm of your hand= 30 gm protein

o   Carbs

  • Start with 100 gm/day x 1 month

  • Then 75 gm/day

  • When carb cycling eat: 75 gm/day on the days you exercise       

  • Eat 50 gm/day on the days you SKIP exercise

  •    General Rules:

o   You must have 7 hours of good sleep to lose weight!

o   Strictly limit sugar: only on special occasions

o   Avoid snacking

o   Wean off soda (even diet)

o   Avoid processed foods (Emeals is a great app for quick, healthy recipes)

o   Coffee should be black or with cream only, no sugar

o   Limit alcohol to two nights/week


  • Biohacks:

o   Add 1 Tbsp Vinegar to water and drink before meals: reduces glucose spikes.

o   Add 1 Tbsp butter to black coffee: improves satiety and stimulates fat burning.

o   Take a cold shower (or end with cold water): stimulates metabolism, fat burning, dopamine release.

o   Do 20 squats or lunges after eating: reduces glucose spike and improves insulin sensitivity.

Week 1

o   Water Goal 64 oz (Buy measured bottle and plan out)

o   Start semaglutide or tirzepatide

Week 2

o   Continue Water

o   Intermittent Fasting 12 hours (example 8 pm till 8 am)

Week 3

o   Continue Water

o   IF 13 hours

Week 4

o   Increase water to 88 oz

o   IF 13 hours

Week 5

o   Continue water

o   IF 14 hours

Week 6

o   Increase water 112 oz

o   IF 14 hours

Week 7

o   Continue water

o   20 minutes exercise/week

o   IF 15 hours

Week 8

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF 15 hours

Week 9

o   Continue water

o   Two days/week exercise

o   IF 16 hours

Week 10

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF

Week 11

o   Continue water

o   Three days/week exercise

o   IF

Week 12

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF

Week 13

o   Continue water

o   Increase exercise to 30 minutes 3 days/week

o   IF

Week 14

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF

Week 15

o   Continue water

o   Increase exercise:

-either 40 minutes 3 days/week

-or 30 minutes 4 days/week

o   IF

Week 16

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF

o   Start carb cycling

Week 17

o   Continue water

o   Continue exercise

o   IF

o   Carb cycling

Week 18

o   Continue

o   Increase exercise

-Goal 150 min/week