Female Vitality is a telehealth company dedicated to correcting hormone imbalances and medication-assisted weight loss.

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Why use FV?

#1. Cost savings!


                                It is not well known to the public, but being an ordering or prescribing provider allows me access to a number of discounts.  Diagnostic testing companies have a “Provider pays” and “patient pays” pricing catalog.  The reason for this being that a provider will order more tests for patients if the cost is lower.  One provider can account for multiple tests.  If a patient pays for their own test, it stops there, just one test.  For example, the Comprehensive Female Profile I offer is $265.  This same test online available for the public to order is $380.

                                This same concept can be applied to medications.  I prescribe bioidentical hormones and GLP1 medications for weight loss.  I could have the pharmacy bill the patient, but if I use the “Provider pays” pricing I am able to get my clients huge saving!


                #2 Avoid Insurance


                                It may seem strange to avoid insurance.  You pay a lot of money for your insurance every month.  But have you ever went to your health care provider and they describe this great medication they would like to start you on?   It’s a new medication that works so great and has a low side effect profile.  Then you went to the pharmacy and find out your insurance denied it.  They want you to take the older medication that doesn’t work as well and causes severe diarrhea instead… Enough said!


                                I am stepping out of that situation.  I want to empower clients to CHOOSE who they receive care from and CHOOSE which medications are right for them and their body.  It is not right that the insurance company can trump your health care provider and your own decision on what medications you should be taking.

                #3 Personal wellness Coach


                                I have been working with patients on weight loss for 7 years.  I have come up with work around’s for almost every obstacle or situation.  And now we have GLP-1 medications!  That is a huge game changer!


                                I also strive to improve each of my client’s general happiness.  If you have read my first newsletter you know that I am addicted to self-help books, particularly books on raising consciousness.  I want to share this information with my clients and improve their lives!


                #4 Easy and Accessible!


                                No taking time off work!  No driving to the doctor’s office!  No waiting in the exam room for 30 minutes before you even see a provider.  My services can be done almost completely from home.  We will schedule a telemedicine video chat.  Most of the labs can be shipped to you and completed at home.  And all of the medications are delivered to your doorstep!  It can’t get much easier than that!