Hormone Balance and Weight Loss

On Your Time, In Your Home, At Your Convenience


Does it feel like no matter what you do, you cannot lose weight? Does something feel “off” but no one can find a reason?


FV also uses the most effective WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS INJECTIONS to reach your specific weight loss goals!


 Pick & Choose Based on What You Need

Ensure Success with a Nurse Practitioner and Wellness Coach All-in-One

  • woman looking at water - copy is about hormone replacement therapy

    Weight Loss

    Using a custom weight loss plan and medication (GLP-1 & GLP-1/GIP) we can finally achieve the weight loss you have been after!

  • Girl with sparkler, at Female Vitality we want to help you get your spark back!

    Hormone Health

    Based on your symptoms and medical history, I will recommend precision testing to determine the cause of your symptoms. Based on your results, we will help your body create it’s own hormone balance with the help of lifestyle modification and supplements.

  • woman hiking - a picture to embody our efforts at FV to support weight loss and hormone therapy


    Deciding which supplements you need is very difficult, and over-the-counter supplements are rarely the right thing. Let me help you determine which supplements you need and provide high quality products.

I’m Michelle Gray, NP-C

Today’s healthcare system is cumbersome and personalized care is not the priority it should be. The result is that too many patients aren’t being heard and they aren’t being helped.

The purpose of Female Vitality (FV) is to partner with you in your journey to optimal wellness.

My greatest joy as a nurse practitioner and wellness coach is helping my patients feel better than they have in years!

A Few Important Notes …

Female Vitality (FV) should not replace your primary care physician or gynecologist. This program is designed to optimize your health. FV is strictly a tele-health practice focused on precision medicine. You will be required to maintain a primary care physician or gynecologist.

FV is a fee-for-service practice and does not accept insurance, but you can use your FSA or HSA. We use compounding pharmacies to save on cost and to avoid insurance-mandated medication trials or prior authorizations. The FV approach allows us to provide quality care at a reasonable cost and dedicate more time to our clients.


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