Weight Loss

GLP-1 medications slows gastric emptying. Your brain does not get the signal that it is hungry and food stays in your gut longer. It takes away the food noise. Meanwhile, we will create a sustainable weight loss plan that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

Basic labs required in the past 90 days before starting. Recommend a comprehensive lab panel for a more effective weight loss program.

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Membership includes an initial one-hour consult, constant support from a wellness coach & a custom weight loss program. I also provide supplement recommendations to optimize your weight loss journey.

Hormone Health

For the One-Time Hormone Evaluation we will meet in a virtual visit and discuss your history along with your symptoms. Together, we will collaborate on which test to order. After your results are final, we will discuss my recommendations by phone, email or telehealth. Costs $175

If you are in the Weight Loss Program, you can add hormone testing at any point for the cost of the test.

Basic hormone panel $225

Complete hormone panel $265

Cortisol & Insulin $150

(Recommend for weight loss)

NutrEval $500

Gut Study $500

DUTCH test $520

Find out if your body has dysfunctional pathways in relation to hormone methylation and metabolism.

Based on your results we will determine which supplements and/or lifestyle modifications will make you feel like your best self!

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Young woman boxing in a gym, next to text about HRT and weight loss


There are some supplements you should take at a certain age.

There are some supplements that should always be taken together.

There are supplements to correct hormone imbalances.

If you are a client, I will always provide supplement recommendations.

If you would like a one-time recommendation, we can do that! I will need your most recent labs (less than 90 days old preferably) to make some recommendations.

Ask your primary care provider for a full lab panel:

CBC, CMP, Fasting lipid panel, A1C, Fasting Insulin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Iron, Ferritin, TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, Anti-TPO

Or skip the insurance and pay cash for labs! $125 at Lab Corp for the full lab panel.

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Each FV Package Comes with the Following and Is Tailored to Your Individual Needs

(Currently Our Practice is Limited to Clients in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Oregon & Wyoming.)

    • An initial one-hour consultation.

    • Monthly then 3 month follow-ups.

    • Custom supplement recommendations based on client needs and lab results.

    • Medications and specialized testing delivered to your home.

    • An education program with modules designed to assist you in creating a sustainable weight loss plan and lifestyle.

    • Unlimited messaging and support.