
I want to talk about consistency.  This is an area I would like to work on.  I am hoping by putting it into my blog it will hold me accountable.

I am self-aware (lol).  I know that I get excited when I hear about new things and jump in headfirst without thinking sometimes.  I do this a lot with things that I learn about health.  But adding too many health practices most often leads to them being dropped.

It is important to add one practice at a time.  Let it become part of your daily routine before adding on anything else.  This is why I always stress my weight loss patients ONLY focus on nutrition at first.  Don’t even think about exercise unless it is just a destress walk.  I am trying to create lasting change in my clients’ lives.  I want them to keep these habits and NEVER gain back the weight. 

I can say that I am good at exercising daily.  I have found a program called Fire & Flow on Beachbody.  It is the perfect combination of weights, cardio, Pilates and yoga.  I LOVE it!  It is also 30 minutes/day six days/week.  This is great for me!  Thirty minutes easily fits into any day.  And being six days/week is good for me.  If I have too many rest days, it is hard for me to restart. 

I am also about 90% compliant on my water intake and supplements.  I do have a problem with ordering any supplement that I learn about, so I had to get a pill divider….

I also started taking Epsom salt baths every night.  This has been amazing!  It has been great for my mental health.  It is a treat at the end of my day.  My sleep has improved because my mind has learned it is time to start shutting down.  The Epsom salt also gives me a dose of magnesium.  Additionally, I have not been sore after my work outs.  I am ready to hit the mat again the next day!

I have also been 75-80% compliant with earthing each day.  After eating lunch, I take 10-20 minutes to walk outside barefoot.  This lowers my postprandial glucose spike.  And if you are not familiar with the benefits of earthing, I highly encourage you to research it.

So, now I have a few things I would like to work on…

I would like to CONSISTENTLY meditate each morning.  I have been using an app called Heart Math and it is great!  It uses a heart rate monitor to confirm you are in high coherence.  The visual and auditory cues are great for me.

I would like to be more CONSISTENT with my protein shake.  I would like this to be the main source of fiber.   I also need more protein each day.

I would like to CONSISTENTLY use my inversion table.  I plan to start doing this for 5-10 minutes after earthing.  Inversion is so great on mobility, posture, pain.  I know it will help me to age in a more functional way.

I would like to CONSISTENTLY set aside time for education.  This could be professional or personal.  I tend to order self-help or educational books but takes several months to open them.

And finally, I would like to CONSISTENTLY journal or write positive manifestations each night before bed.

Now everyone who reads this knows what my goals are.  I plan to write them out and put them in places where I will see it frequently until it becomes habit.  It would have been much easier to add each thing one at a time. 

It is imperative that we are all trying to grow each day.  This can be personal or professional growth.  This can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.  Growth is exciting!  Change is good! 


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