Vital Stuff #2

Funny story...

(Before you judge please know I am still losing my baby weight.)

Recently, I stopped following my own advice. I didn't monitor my weight and I wasn't watching my nutrition like I should. I stepped on my scale after 2-3 weeks of not checking. I gritted my teeth, bit the bullet and looked down at the scale. I was 142 lbs!!! I felt so sexy! I was so confident during these family pics. The next day I thought "I wonder what it is today!" I step on the scale to see 150 lbs.


So my scale had malfunctioned... It's crazy how much that number affected my self-confidence. After seeing the 150 lbs. I felt bloated, sluggish, squished into my clothing. I am only 5'1" by the way.

But I used this as a learning opportunity and I want to share my experience. I have now re-initiated my weight loss plan:

-Intermittent fasting 13-16 hour/day

-Protein shake with whole food fiber in the morning

-4-6 oz lean protein with lunch and supper

-vegetables covering half my plate

-limit carbs to 1 serving per day on the days I exercise

-alcohol only 2 nights per week

-strength/cardio training 5 days/week

-walking or 10 min core exercises on the days I don't exercise

-And semaglutide!

Also, using a biometric scale I don't panic when the lbs. goes up. I look at my muscle mass, water, etc. If my muscle mass goes up and my lbs. goes up I celebrate! I'm building a solid foundation. Building muscle will increase my basal metabolic rate (calories I burn just living).


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