What We Put On Our Skin Matters

Toxins and chemicals are everywhere.  You are exposing yourself whenever you breathe exhaust fumes or drink from a plastic bottle.  These chemicals can also be found in food, in your laundry detergent, in home cleaning supplies and in your make up.

Toxin exposure can lead to cancer.  It can also disrupt hormone balance.

Many of these chemicals act as synthetic estrogens.  This causes estrogen dominance which can manifest as increased depression, low libido, high anxiety, poor muscle tone, increased fat around the hip and butt area, irritability, and irregular periods.

A high toxic burden can also cause inflammation which suppresses thyroid function.  There are thyroid receptors on every organ in our body.  When the thyroid is suppressed, there are several negative consequences.

Everything we put on our skin can increase this toxic burden.  The FDA allows the U.S. skin care companies to use 1700 chemicals that are BANNED in Europe!  We need to protect ourselves.

A friend recently introduced me to a company called Beauty Counter.  This company has a “Never List” which includes the 1700 chemicals banned in Europe.  They also added 1100 other chemicals to the “Never List” that are questionable.

Over the past 6 months, I have slowly transitioned all of my skin care and make up products to Beauty Counter products.  I LOVE the Countertime skin care regimen.  I also love the makeup and body oil.  I will tell you that I DO NOT love the mascara.  That is the only product I get from somewhere else.

I did become a consultant so I could get a discount.  Feel free to do the same!  I buy enough myself that I don’t try to sell to other clients, but if you do want to purchase anything please use my link at the bottom.  You pay the same either way and I get to keep my consultant discount. 😊



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