What makes this weight loss program different?

There are a lot of providers and companies providing wellness coaching and GLP-1 medications. I have heard a lot of negative stories about client experiences. I wanted to share what makes Female Vitality different.

  • We check a thorough lab panel.

Prior to starting the medication, we require at least basic kidney and liver function testing. But I always STRONGLY encourage clients to get my full lab panel either initially or at the 3 month follow up when we repeat labs.

My thorough lab panel includes vitamins, nutrients and a COMPLETE thyroid panel (not just a TSH). Some of these labs are never drawn in traditional medicine. I have never found a client to have a completely normal lab panel. I also don’t look for NORMAL values. My goal is for you to have OPTIMAL values where you can feel your absolute best!

I check all of these things because they can affect weight loss. Taking the medication, creating a nutrition plan and adding in exercise will only go so far if your metabolism is slowed down.

  • We provide supplement recommendations.

When I find sub-optimal iron, ferritin, B12, Vitamin D I can provide high quality supplement recommendations to optimize these levels. I have botanicals and supplements to aid in insulin resistance or thyroid optimization.

I also use supplements (specifically Magnesium) to prevent constipation associated with GLP-1 medications. Magnesium is actually the 2nd most common nutrient deficiency behind vitamin D. Almost everyone would benefit from a Magnesium supplement at night. There are different forms of Magnesium that all have various benefits. I can guide you in which one would benefit you the most.

I can also help you to improve the supplements you are already taking. Most people (even providers) aren’t aware that vitamin D requires vitamin K and fat to be absorbed. I will often use a combination of vitamin D/K and an omega to maximize absorption.

  • We provide frequent check-ins.

Traditionally, you are given a prescription from your provider and asked to following up in 1-3 months. If you have issues you can call. These medications affect each person uniquely. It requires more consistent care.

Our policy is to check in every 2-3 days when you first begin the medication, then weekly, then eventually once/month.

Telehealth or in-person follow ups are required 1 month after starting the medication, then every 3 months.

Female Vitality also utilizes an app that provides HIPAA compliant communication. You can message your provider whenever you have a question!

  • We provide education.

Our goal is to help you create a sustainable weight loss plan while the medication removes the food noise. We want to help you find a way to eat and live in a healthier way, but also in a way that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

There are over 30 education modules in our Weight Loss Program to help you create your own individual plan. These modules are self-paced and are always there as a reference.

  • We provide Functional Medicine education and testing.

Michelle has been training in Functional Medication for years and provides these tools to you as part of the Weight Loss Program.

Functional Medicine is amazing! If you were to come to a Functional Medicine provider with depression, you would not get a pill. We would determine which nutrients you may be missing or not absorbing. Or take a look at your gut health where 90% of serotonin originates. Functional Medicine is looking at the root cause of your symptoms and correcting it.

With weight loss, we often check your cortisol pattern to determine if stress is negatively affecting your life and your weight loss. An abnormal cortisol will have a negative impact on all of your hormones. The cortisol test is a saliva study shipped directly to your home. The test is $100. We can help you correct any cortisol imbalance with a mix of lifestyle interventions and short-term supplements.

  • We provide healthy, gluten-free recipes.

Female Vitality has created a group with healthy, quick recipes that focus on being free of gluten. Anyone is welcome to join this group!

(8) Recipes by Female Vitality Telehealth • Michelle Gray, NP | Facebook

  • We are convenient!

Female Vitality visits can be conduction in-person or by telehealth. As said before, you are able to communicate with your provider through the app. You can do everything from the comfort of your home!

  • We care!

We truly want to help everyone feel the best that they can! We want to help you to have more energy, a better mood, better sleep, less pain. Female Vitality is where it all starts!


When you fall off the wagon