When you fall off the wagon

We all fall out of our routine. We go on vacation or something huge happens in our life. It’s okay.

You have an unlimited number of redo’s. When you are ready to restart, I suggest starting with these 5 goals.


Without truly restful sleep we cannot be totally well. We need 7-8 hours of deep, restful sleep. This will help you have energy and cope with any stress in your life.

It is also optimal for your bedtime to be before 11 pm and your wakeup time no earlier than 5 am. Following a circadian rhythm will regulate your growth hormone, melatonin and cortisol. Create a bedtime routine for yourself. Time has memory, space has energy. At the same time every night (an hour before you want to be asleep), start your “shut down” routine.

An example of a bedtime routine:

  • 9 pm: warm bath with Epsom salt

  • 9:15 pm: Lavendar lotion (scent triggers neuropathways in your brain)

  • 9:20 pm: read or do a puzzle (not an electronic)

  • 9:40 pm: journal

  • 9:50 pm: meditate (using podcasts and headphones works well)

  • 10 pm: shut your eyes

After doing the same thing in the same place every night, your brain will be hardwired to sleep and sleep well.


Water is essential for everything! Water will improve your energy, cognitive function, reduce hunger and flush toxins.

You need around 100 oz. of water/day. But look at where you are first. If you are only drinking 40 oz./day, let’s start with a goal of 64 oz.

It’s a great idea to start your day with 16 oz. of water right away! When you wake up, you are already dehydrated. Your liver will also eliminate toxins while you are sleeping. Flushing out those toxins with water will give you energy and leave you feeling so much better!


This is the only macro I sort-of count. We want as close to 100 gm. of protein per day as we can. And don’t worry! You don’t have to measure or weigh your food. The palm of your hand is approximately 30 gm. Try to get this size of meat or other protein in each meal. You may also want to add a protein shake or make your own protein smoothie!

Protein will boost your metabolism, regulate your blood sugar and reduce hunger.


Fasting can stimulate new stem cells and reduce old, damaged cells. This is why fasting reduces certain forms of cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. Fasting also improves cognitive function, sleep and can correct insulin resistance.

Start by fasting between meals at least 4 hours. It is also important to be fasting at least 3 hours before you go to bed.

Fasting means nothing but water, black coffee or green tea. Anything that is sugar free or diet will break a fast and actually raise your insulin for longer than real sugar.


This is for your physical and mental health. Walking, especially outside, will burn calories, increase your dopamine and reduce cortisol.

Take a walk first thing in the morning, at lunch or after supper. Make it a part of your routine.

Walking for 10 minutes after meals will actually reduce your glucose spike so that can be very beneficial and doesn’t take much time.

If you start with these simple strategies, you will feel so much better and eventually add the rest of your sustainable weight loss plan! Keep it simple and give yourself grace :)


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Heart Rate Variability